Pentingnya Literasi Budaya Dalam Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Multikultural Dalam Masyarakat
Inclusive, Literacy, Culture, InformationAbstract
Various factors cause low literacy culture, but reading habits are considered the main and fundamental factor. In fact, one of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources so they can quickly adapt to global developments covering various aspects of human life is to foster a reading society. Having good cultural literacy, individuals can help create a society that is inclusive, respects differences, and supports each other. Cultural literacy also plays a role in strengthening social relations and building peace between culturally diverse communities. This research applies the library research or literature review method. The purpose of a literature review is to collect information, assemble and summarize the main ideas and views that exist in previous literature, then integrate them with the researcher's views and relate them to the research topic.
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