The Study of Slum Area in Babussalam Village, Duri City, Riau Province
Basic Infrastructure, Poverty, Slum AreaAbstract
The rapid growth and development of Duri City will give pressure on the city's declining service levels and reduced land carrying capacity, reducing quality of life and productivity of population activities, and creation of slum area. Population growth exceeds provision of employment opportunities in the region added to the city problems. Economic pressure and high density population forced them to occupy suburban areas and eventually formed slums. The purpose of this study was to formulate slum settlement strategies in Babussalam Village and provide an alternative solution form to improve the function and quality of settlements. This research uses quantitative method, data collection was carried out by means of questionnaires and observations. The study consists of community characteristics and occupancy of slums, factors that influence slums and strategy of handling slum area in Babussalam Village. Results of study showed that slum area was located around the center of Duri City in condition of the house quite well and a small part functioning as a place of residence and place of business, inadequate conditions of solid waste management, and social interaction that occur in the community are also very diverse. Settlement in Babussalam Village has 2 types of slums: settlements near the center of socio-economic activities and slums in the city center. Recommended strategies are, improvement of basic infrastructure, land consolidation, and provision of simple housing.
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