The Application of Participatory Mapping to Support Boundary Conflict Solving in Indonesia (Study Case : Rambah Sub Districts, Riau Province, Indonesia)


  • Idham Nugraha Urban and Regional Planning Departement, Universitas Islam Riau
  • Mardianto Manan
  • Puji Astuti
  • Arie Apriadi


Participatory Mapping, Village, Boundary, GIS, Village Development


Rambah is one of the sub-districts located in Riau Province that consists of 14 villages. Nowadays, the main issue for the government is related to the boundary that was occurred because of the overlapped boundary between the villages. This paper purposed was to determine the village's boundary in Rambah Sub-Districts using the use of remote sensing imagery (Quickbird imagery), Geographic Information System (GIS) and participatory mapping. The participatory mapping was conducted involving all related stakeholder such as the district's government to the village apparatus and local community. The guidance for the participatory mapping was oriented to the PERMENDAGRI (Minister of Home Affair Regulation) No. 45 the year of 2016. The results of this research were the comprehensive mapping of Rambah Sub Districts shown by the 1:5.000 map. This results can be used as a key for the spatial regulation to supports village development in term of village boundary and village funds.


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How to Cite

Nugraha, I., Manan, M., Astuti, P., & Apriadi, A. (2022). The Application of Participatory Mapping to Support Boundary Conflict Solving in Indonesia (Study Case : Rambah Sub Districts, Riau Province, Indonesia). Journal of Urban Regional Planning and Sustainable Environment, 1(1). Retrieved from

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