Factors Influencing Tourism Components on Tourist Visits Using Factor Analysis (Case Study: Teluk Makmur Puak Beach, Dumai City)
Beach, Component Tourism,Factor affection,Tourist visit,Abstract
The Puak Bay Makmur Beach Tourism Area is one of the leading natural tourism areas combined with cultural tourism which is located in the north of Dumai city, precisely in Kel. Teluk Makmur Kec. Medang Kampai, Dumai City. As a tourism area, Teluk Makmur Puak Beach is not supported by the provision of 5 good tourism components, namely tourist attractions, service or service facilities, promotion, accessibility or transportation and information. According to recapitulation data on the number of visitors to the Teluk Makmur Tourism Beach from DISKOPAR, Dumai City, the tourist area of Puak Teluk Makmur Beach from the last four years has experienced a decline in the number of visitors from 2016 to 2019. This study aims to look at the factors that influence the tourism component of tourist visits by using factor analysis in the tourist area of Teluk Makmur Puak Beach. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to identifythe provision of tourism components and quantitative descriptive methods to identify the factors that influence the tourism component of tourist visits in the tourist area of Teluk Makmur Puak Beach using the results of a measured questionnaire.by using factor analysis with the help of the SPSS Statistics application.
After identifying what factors are dominant in influencing the tourism component of tourist visits. The results of this study indicate that in the tourist area of Teluk Makmur Puak Beach, the provision of tourism components is still not fulfilled and adequate. Based on the results of factor analysis, for the most dominant factors in influencing the tourism component of tourist visits in the tourist area of Teluk Makmur Puak Beach, there are 3 factors, namely the service factor or service facilities (with a KMO index value of 0.545), promotion factors (with an index value of 0.533) and attraction factor (with an index value of 0.533) and attraction factor (with an index value of 0.516).
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