The effect of baby's strategy on learning some skills in the artistic gymnastics of the cubs

  • Ghazi Lafta Hussein 
  • Ali Jabbar Hasan 
  • Mahasin Hussein Fadel
  • Dhurgham A. Neamah Al-Jadaan   
Keywords: Baby's strategy, learning, artistic gymnastics


The study aimed to investigate the effect of baby's strategy on learning some skills in the artistic gymnastics of the cubs.  The researcher used the experimental method for its suitability and the research problem. The research sample included (8) players aged (9-10) years were divided randomly by lottery into two experimental and control groups, each of them (5) players. The research sample was evaluated by four judges and a chapter judge to evaluate the skill test of the windshield, where it was agreed between the judges to evaluate a skill of (10) degrees. Data analysis was done through standard deviation and T-test for independent samples. There have been many educational theories about learning and the learner and finding strategies and methods that facilitate and organize the teaching process that harmonize the capabilities of the learner. Therefore, the teaching process is no longer dependent on the teacher’s ability to present his accumulated ideas as a result of previous experiences enjoyed by many teachers. Rather, it is a process of designing projects The multiplicity of its educational aspects in the theoretical and practical fields depends on the characteristics of the learners, their capabilities and abilities. Therefore, they have to find ways to facilitate the learning process through diversity in the use of methods and strategies or pairing them with learning theories that give greater effectiveness among learners to make them a positive element participating in the education process. During the teacher's direction and supervision. Therefore, the importance of research lies in reaching new formulas in working within educational units through applying the stages of this strategy, which works on active participation, exchanging ideas and opinions, and communicating concepts.  The findings revealed that the use of the Bybe strategy was more effective in developing the airway than using the adopted method.


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