Local Revenue, Retribution, Strategy, TaxesAbstract
The 2014–2018 APBD performance target according to the regional income of Siak Regency has fluctuated. Siak Regency's PAD decreased in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The decline in PAD in 2016 was due to decreased regional income from sectors resulting from the management of separated regional wealth and other legal regional income. In 2017, the decrease in PAD was due to a reduction in income in the area of land tax and levies, especially regional tax results, while in 2018 the reduction in PAD was due to a decrease in revenue from the regional tax and other legal income sectors. In connection with the problems raised, this study uses descriptive statistical methods and the LFA method. The data found in the field will be used as the main data to analyze the identification of the potential of Siak Regency Regional Original Revenue. Then to analyze the factors that affect the Original Regional Income of Siak Regency, also formulate/identify strategies to increase the Original Regional Income in Siak Regency. Based on the results of the study, the potential to increase Siak District's Original Revenue consists of fees, taxes, local companies, and the number of residents. The ones that have the greatest contribution to the PAD of Siak Regency are taxes and user charges. Based on the results of multiple linear regression, the regression coefficient for the population is greater, namely 11.772, followed by GDP of 0.183, government spending of 5.513, and inflation of 1.489, Thus, the population is the most dominant factor in influencing PAD in Siak district. The strategy to increase local revenue in Siak Regency consists of goals, objectives, specific results, and activities/activities. There are four policy alternatives that need to be considered in efforts to increase PAD in Siak Regency, namely building infrastructure, increasing investment, increasing human resources, and making and adjusting regulations as the operational standard for collecting local taxes and levies in Siak Regency.
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