Politik Hukum Dan Asas Pembentukan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 Tentang Ibu Kota Nusantara


  • sarkowiv zahry Fakultas Hukum, UNTAG 1945 Samarinda



Kata Kunci:

Keywords: Legal Politics, Principles, State Capital


The ratification of the National Science Law became an exciting discourse and topic that is always discussed both through online, print, and electronic media as well as social media. Since its inception, the legislative process has started from the stages of planning, drafting, discussing, validating, or enacting to the enactment stage, without being separated from the pros and cons of various groups, primarily related to the principle of openness and the lack of public participation. This article aims to find out about the politics of law and the directions for forming Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the Archipelago's Capital. This study uses a type of normative juridical research, with three approaches used, statutory method (statute approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach), and case approach (case approach). The results of this study indicate that the process of forming the State Capital Law was limited in time and in a hurry, so it needed to fully follow the rules for developing existing laws and regulations. Its relation to the principles of forming good laws and practices needs to pay more attention to the principles of clarity of purpose, the focus on implementation, ., or it is also called a legal product that is less responsive. The Law on the State Capital still substantially contains contents that need to be clearly regulated, which could slow down the implementation of the law.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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