Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Macromedia Flash 8 Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Kelas IX

Development of Mathematics Learning Media using Macromedia Flash 8 on Curved Side Space Building for Class IX


  • Aqilla Maudy Khalisa Universitas Islam Riau
  • Sari Herlina Universitas Islam Riau
  • Suripah Suripah iSlamic Universiti of Riau
  • Fitriana Yolanda Universitas Islam Riau



learning media, macromedia flash 8, the curved side of solid figure


This study aims to produce learning media using Macromedia Flash 8 on the curved side of solid figure material for class IX. This development model uses the model R & D, which has been modified according to the needs of the researcher into (1) problems and potential; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) validation design; (5) revision design; (6) product trial; (7) final production. The data collection technique used is a non-test technique in the form of a questionnaire. Data collection instrument utilized was a validation instrument in the form of a validation sheet, and a practical instrument in the form of a student response questionnaire sheet. The data analysis technique used is validation data analysis and practicality data of learning media. The results of the analysis of research validation by three validators obtained an average validation of learning media using a Likert scale of 88.56% which was included in the very valid category and the results of the questionnaire analysis of student responses by 12 students to learning media obtained an average of 86,73% is included in the very practical category. The conclusion of the study shows that learning media using Macromedia Flash 8 on the curved side of solid figure material has been tested to be very valid and very practical.


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Author Biographies

Sari Herlina, Universitas Islam Riau

Department of Mathematics Education

Suripah Suripah, iSlamic Universiti of Riau

Department of Mathematics Education

Fitriana Yolanda, Universitas Islam Riau

Department of mathematics education


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How to Cite

Khalisa, A. M. ., Herlina, S., Suripah, S., & Yolanda, F. (2021). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Macromedia Flash 8 Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Kelas IX: Development of Mathematics Learning Media using Macromedia Flash 8 on Curved Side Space Building for Class IX. Perspektif Pendidikan Dan Keguruan, 12(2), 128–136.
Received 2022-04-23
Accepted 2022-04-28
Published 2021-10-28