Wanprestation In The Implementation Of The Griya Puri Husada Husada Housing Development Cooperation Agreement Between The Land Owner And The Developer

cooperation agreements, implementation, obstacles


  • Zulfikri Pohan UIR




cooperation agreements, implementation, obstacles


The Griya Puri Husada housing development cooperation agreement is between the land
owner and the developer who has entered into a cooperation agreement and is stated in a
deed of cooperation agreement made before a Notary. Each party's rights and obligations
have been agreed upon by both parties and must be implemented as appropriate. The first
party is the owner of the plot of land and the second party is the developer who builds and
manages the housing. Every house sold from every house deal makes a profit. The second
party only completes the work until it is completed no later than 2 years even though after
that time period the land owner's rights have not been fulfilled. This research method is
legal research using empirical legal methods. Data sources were obtained from the first
party or land owner and the second party or developer as well as library data such as
statutory regulations, books, journals and articles related to research. This research was
carried out at the research location in the Griya Puri Husada housing complex. This paper
concludes that: (1). The implementation of the cooperation agreement did not run as it
should, the second party did not carry out the housing development as it should by building
and managing the construction within two years at the latest. (2). The second party also has
not paid the full amount to the first party or land owner. The second party or developer
experiences obstacles in the early stages such as permits and correspondence, as well as
finding consumers or buyers quickly.


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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): UIR Law Review

