E-Government Quality Aplikasi Layanan Tunggu (LAGU) Di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru
E-Government Quality, Layanan Tunggu Application, KTP ElAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the quality of applications provided by the Population and Civil Registration Service towards public satisfaction. This type of research uses a descriptive survey with quantitative research methods, by distributing questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentation. In this study, the researcher used the theory of e-government quality which contains six dimensions of indicator assessment, namely ease of use, trust, functionality of the interaction environment, reliability, content and appearance, and public support. The results of the study showed that overall the e-government quality of the Layanan Tunggu (Lagu) application at the Population and Civil Registration Service of Pekanbaru City was categorized as good. This is because the community using the Layanan Tunggu (LAGU) application is satisfied with the application services provided through the application. However, this application does not yet have an FAQ page, it still often errors in its use and the system capabilities of the Layanan Tunggu (LAGU) application are not yet available on all mobile devices, only available on Android devices and not yet available on iOS. Therefore, it is still necessary to develop the features needed for application users.