Penerapan Aplikasi E-Kinerja Kuansing Pada Sekretariat DPRD Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi


  • Veby Delpianty Universitas Islam Riau
  • Eko Handrian Universitas Islam Riau


Implementation, Kuansing E-Performance Application, DPRD Secretariat


This objective aims to determine how the Application of the Kuansing E-Performance Application and the obstacles that exist from the Application of the Kuansing E-Performance Application at the Kuantan Singingi Regency DPRD Secretariat. This study uses descriptive survey research type using quantitative using five research indicators are Utilization, Efficiency, Participation, Transparency and Change Management. There is also a population used in this study taken from all civil servants in the Secretariat of the DPRD Kuantan Singingi Regency which amounted to 39 people. There is also a sample withdrawal technique using purposive sampling for all civil servants at the Kuantan Singingi Regency DPRD Secretariat, totaling 39 people. The types and techniques of data collection used in this study consist of primary data and secondary data. Based on data analysis techniques After the data is collected through the data collection techniques used in this study, the data is grouped and processed according to its type and is complemented by descriptions and supporting information, and the results showed that in this study the Application of the Kuansing E – Kinerja Performance Application at the Kuantan Singingi Regency DPRD Secretariat found that there were still three indicators that had a low value, namely the efficiency indicator woith a total score off 288, the participation indicator with a total score of 149 and the change manajgement indicator with a total score of 174.


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