Pengawasan Barang Dan Jasa Beredar Bidang Pengawasan Industri, Perlindungan Konsumen Dan Tertib Niaga Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan, Koperasi, Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Provinsi Riau (Studi Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis)
Supervision, Goods and Services in Circulation and Consumer ProtectionAbstract
This research is to analyze and explain the supervision of circulating goods and services in the field of industrial supervision, consumer protection and orderly commerce, the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises of Riau Province (Study of Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency). Using Siagian theory with Direct Supervision and Indirect Supervision Indicators. This type of research uses Qualitative Descriptive. Research Results Direct and indirect supervision is very important to ensure that goods and services in circulation are safe, of good quality and in accordance with applicable regulations. This aims to protect consumers and maintain commercial order. Supervision is carried out through direct inspections, market monitoring, data analysis and consumer complaints. Direct inspection involves physical checking and document verification, while indirect supervision relies on data and reports from various sources. Simplification and Update of Regulations Review and simplify existing regulations and update them according to the latest developments to make it easier for business actors to comply and make it easier for officers to enforce the law