Pelayanan Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) Drive Thru Pada Satuan Lalu Lintas (SATLANTAS) Polresta Kota Pekanbaru
Service, Driving License and Traffic UnitAbstract
This study aims to determine the service of driving license (sim) drive thru at the traffic unit (satlantas) of Pekanbaru City Police. This research still finds people who do not understand about drive thru services. This research is a descriptive type research with a kunatitaif approach. The population in this study were all employees of the traffic unit (SATLANTAS) which amounted to 17 people and people who used the sim drive thru service in 2024, while the sample was 3 police officers and 30 respondents from the community. The results showed that the Sim Drive Thru Service at the Traffic Unit (SATLANTAS) at the Pekanbaru City Police got results in the Very Good category on the Fast and Easy Indicator categorized as Very Good. This is indicated by the results of research related to Drive Thru SIM services using indicators of fast, easy, precise, transparent. Fast 94%, Easy 94%, Precise 85.3%, and Transparent 72%. Then the results are very good, namely in the fast and easy category.