Penerapan KIR Online di Kota Pekanbaru


  • Suryandi Amar Yusron Universitas Islam Riau
  • Evi Zubaidah


Implementation, KIR, Online


The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of online KIR in Pekanbaru and its obstacles. The method used is a qualitative method; informants such as the head and employees of the Motor Vehicle Test UPT, as well as the KIR test organizer community. Data collection methods are interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of online KIR in Pekanbaru via Smart Card has not been fully achieved. The UPT PKB Transportation Service has communicated updates to the Blu-E Smart Card via social media, banners and direct appeals to the public taking test drives, but the public has not fully accepted the update. Obstacles in implementing online KIR in Pekanbaru include the vehicle driving inspection process which causes inconvenience for the driver/owner of the vehicle being inspected and the vehicle owner is sometimes absent or intentionally absent. do not shirk responsibility for vehicle technical inspections, Riau electricity crisis, vehicle test transfers without notification.


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