Pelaksanaan Program Pemenuhan Hak Anak Melalui Sekolah Ramah Anak (Studi Sekolah Dasar Negeri 182) Kota Pekanbaru


  • Agnes Khairani Fauziah a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:23:"Universitas Islam Riau ";}
  • Evi Zubaidah


Implementation, Program, Fulfillment Right Children, Child Friendly Schools


Child is generation successor nation in need protection law as effort protection to freedom And right basic related children _ with his welfare . Resolution from fulfillment right child Wrong the only one through school friendly child . School friendly child is a program based unit education in protect And fulfil fulfillment right child to violence physique And psychic in world education . Study This done For analyze And explain about maintenance school friendly children at school basic state 182 cities Pekanbaru . Type study This use method qualitative with use technique data collection via results observation , interview And documentation . In study This use theory implementation which has 6 dimensions research . Results study This showing that lack of availability source Power humans , less availability means And infrastructure in the implementation process school friendly children , less communication between organization from party service with party a school so that happen no hatrack message between organization . By Because That party service must more notice And provide source Power human , means And infrastructure in administration school friendly child And increase communication between organizations.


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