Analisis Kinerja Pegawai di Bidang Kawasan Permukiman Dinas Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman Kota Pekanbaru
Analysis, Performance, Employees, Residential AreasAbstract
This research This research aims to analyze and determine employee performance analysis in the Settlement Area Sector of the Pekanbaru City Housing and Settlement Area Service. This research uses a quantitative descriptive research type using four research indicators, namely Target, Quality, Time, and Compliance with Principles. The population used in this research is the Head of the Pekanbaru City Housing and Settlement Area Service, the Secretary of the Pekanbaru City Housing and Settlement Area Service and the Padang Terubuk Village Community. The sampling technique used was the Saturated Sampling Technique for Service Heads and Service Secretaries, then the Purposive Sampling Technique for the Padang Terubuk sub-district community. The types and techniques of data collection used consist of Primary Data using Questionnaires and Interviews and Secondary Data collected using Observation Techniques. Based on the data analysis technique used using a frequency table tool, it is possible to assess and conclude that the Employee Performance Analysis in the Settlement Area Sector of the Pekanbaru City Housing and Settlement Area Service is "Good enough", because Employee Performance in the Area Sector has been carried out in the waste condition program and the drainage environment, but it is not working effectively due to a lack of public awareness in maintaining environmental cleanliness and the PERKIM Department has not provided waste equipment so that there is still a lot of rubbish in Padang Terubuk Village.