Evaluasi Kebijakan Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST) Di Kelurahan Langgini Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota Kabupaten Kampar
Policy Evaluation, BST, Langgini VillageAbstract
The problem of poverty continues to increase every year and becomes a problem in almost all regions. The BST policy as a program for poverty alleviation still has many challenges, one of which is the distribution mechanism. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Cash Social Assistance (BST) Policy in Langgini Village, Bangkinang District, Kampar Regency and its inhibiting factors. This research method is quantitative by distributing questionnaires to respondents, and the data is analyzed using quantitative descriptive. The results of the study show that: 1) The overall policy evaluation results are quite good. The community considers the value of this BST assistance to be relatively small and is only supportive and cannot be used as an economic mainstay, so that people who receive BST are not immediately free from poverty. This policy is efficient, because when the budget goes down from the center to the regions and to Langgini Village, these funds will be distributed directly to the recipients. The amount of budget available for this BST program has not been able to cover all the poor people there. Every community that has not received assistance but has been recorded in the DTKS will be prioritized to be given assistance in the next budget year. Both community elements and employees support this assistance program.