Peran Pendamping Lokal Desa Dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Desa Yang Mandiri Di Desa Koto Baru, Kecamatan Singingi Hilir, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi


  • Muhammad Ikhsandi Ali Universitas Islam Riau
  • Lilis Suriani Universitas Islam Riau


Role, Village Local Companion, Independent Village


The background to this research is that the Village Local Assistants is based on the Minister of Village Regulation No. 4 of 2023, which states that the role of the local village assistant must accompany the village in the process of moving towarDesa an independent village. Problems arise regarding the implementation of village assistance which is still not in line with Village Ministerial Regulation No. 4 of 2023. The focus of research in this thesis is the role of local village assistance in realizing independent villages. This research is based on three indicators, namely, Active Role, Participative Role, Passive Role. This research uses a qualitative research type method. The informants in this research were the Head of Koto Baru Village, the Local Assistant of Koto Baru Village, the Secretary of Koto Baru Village, the Head of the Community Empowerment Section of Singingi Hilir District Village, the Chair of the Karang Taruna of Koto Baru Village, and Ninik Mamak as the traditional authority of Koto Baru Village. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and documentation. The role of the Village Local Facilitator in realizing independent village government cannot yet be said to be good, because the Village Local Facilitator experiences obstacles in carrying out his duties optimally.


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