Evaluasi Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Kampar Dalam Pengembangan Budidaya Perikanan (Studi Di Desa Hangtuah Kecamatan Perhentian Raja)
Evaluation, Fish Cultivation, Fisheries Service, Kampar RegencyAbstract
This research is to evaluate the Kampar Regency Fisheries Service in developing fisheries cultivation, the research indicators used include input, process, output and outcome (impact). Evaluation is the process of systematically determining the value, purpose, effectiveness or suitability of something according to previously established criteria and objectives. The decision-making process is based on careful comparison of observational data using certain standardized standards. This type of research uses Quantitative Descriptive, namely prioritizing a list of questionnaires as a data collection tool and the data collected with this questionnaire is then used as the main raw material for analyzing empirical conditions and the objectivity of the research location's objectives. The population and sample in this study was 18 people, the types and data collection techniques used consisted of primary data collected using questionnaires and interviews, as well as secondary data collected using observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is sampling and incidental sampling techniques. Based on the results and discussion in this research, the researcher assessed and concluded that the Evaluation of the Kampar Regency Fisheries Service in the Development of Fisheries Cultivation based on Input, Process, Output and Outcome Indicators was in the "Implemented" category according to the assessment of the Kampar Regency Fisheries Service apparatus.