Partisipasi Minat Lansia Dalam Pemanfaatan Posyandu Lansia Di Desa Dompas Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis


  • Ova Zarina Universitas Islam Riau
  • Parjiyana Parjiyana Universitas Islam Riau


utilization, posyandu for the elderly


This research aims to analyze and explain the participation of elderly people in the use of elderly posyandu in Dompas Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. This research has three indicators, namely the existence of a forum to accommodate community participation, the ability of the community to be involved in the process, and the existence of access for the community to express opinions in the decision-making process. Types and techniques of data collection consisting of interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is Interactive Data Analysis. Results of research on Elderly Interest Participation in the Use of Elderly Posyandu in Dompas Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency Namely, the basic rules are clearly still not optimal, that in the indicator of the existence of a forum to accommodate community participation with the sub-indicator of the availability of facilities and infrastructure for the community who take part in the forum that regarding the availability of facilities and facilities and infrastructure there is no place to carry out elderly posyandu activities. because the budget is insufficient to build a place to hold posyandu for the elderly and in this indicator the ability of the community to be involved in the process with the sub-indicator.


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