Pemberdayaan Petani Perikanan Budidaya Oleh Dinas Pertanian Dan Perikanan Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Di Kelurahan Lembah Sari Kecamatan Rumbai Timur)


  • Muluk Ahmad fathoni student
  • Parjiyana Parjiyana


Empowerment, Cultivation , Fisheries Service, Pekanbaru City


This research is to analyze and explain the empowerment of aquaculture farmers by the Pekanbaru City Agriculture and Fisheries Service (Study in Lembah Sari Village, East Rumbai District), Indicators using planned and collective activities, Improving community life, Priority for weak or disadvantaged groups, and carried out through programs increasing capacity. Qualitative Method. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Results of research on the implementation of an empowerment program to increase the capacity of fish farmers in cultivating fish, so that they can increase the number of farmers cultivating fish farmers in Lembah Sari Village. The empowerment program carried out by the Pekanbaru City government, carries out the program alternately in the sense of alternating, namely, Farmers who have received assistance from the Government, then do not receive any more, but rather Farmers who need more assistance, the government's aim is to increase the number of Fish Farmers in Lembah Sari Village.


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