Evaluasi Pada Program Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) Oleh Dinas Perumahan Rakyat Dan Kawasan Permukiman Di Kelurahan Tanah Datar Kecamatan Pekanbaru Kota


  • Nadya Wulandari Universitas Islam Riau
  • Parjiyana Parjiyana


Evaluation, Slum Free City Program (KOTAKU)


The KOTAKU (City Without Slums) program is one of the government's efforts to accelerate the handling of slum settlements with the aim of increasing access to infrastructure and basic services in settlements and improving the welfare of people in urban areas. The KOTAKU (City Without Slums) program has been implemented in Pekanbaru City, one of which is in Tanah Datar Village, Pekanbaru City District. This research uses quantitative research methods by determining a number of samples and populations which are used as sources of data or information in the samples drawn or determined from a number of studies. The data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation. From the results of the recapitulation of respondents, the results of the recapitulation from Public Housing and Settlement Area Service employees were in the Implemented category with a percentage of 75%, Sufficiently Implemented with a percentage of 25%, and Not Implemented with a percentage of 0%from these results it was concluded that this program was implemented with a percentage of 75%. Meanwhile, the recapitulation results from the community in Tanah Datar Subdistrict were categorized as Implemented with a percentage of 45% ,for the Fairly Implemented category with a percentage of 41%, and not implemented with a percentage of 14%, From these results it can be concluded that this program is quite successful with a percentage of 45%.


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