About the Journal
P-ISSN 2338-0446 SK ISSN: 005.0094 / JI.3.02 / SK.ISSN / 2013.04 E-ISSN 2580-376X SK ISSN: 0005.2580376X / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2017.06 GERAM Journal titled education, language and literature, with P-ISSN 2338-0446 SK ISSN Number: 005.0094 / JI.3.02 / SK.ISSN / 2013.04, and E-ISSN 2580-376X, SK ISSN Number: 0005.2580 376X / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2017.06. GERAM is a journal managed by the Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Islamic University of Riau. GERAM as a vehicle for the publication of scientific articles both in the form of research results, the development of theory, experiments, and literature review. Frequency of six-monthly issue, published twice a year in June and December. Members of the journal are leading researchers, lecturers, teachers, cultural observers, and observers of education, language and literature who are active in the fields of education, language and literature. Efficient, fair, and constructive peer-review processes make articles published in journals awake to authenticity. All articles received will be published in print and electronically provided to all readers with visibility and coverage worldwide.