Pelatihan Menulis Paragraf Narasi dengan Menggunakan EYD Edisi V dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMA Negeri 2 Dumai


  • Wilda Srihastuty Handayani Piliang Universitas Islam Riau
  • Syafriyani Nofitri Universitas Islam Riau
  • Erni Erni Universitas Islam Riau
  • Sri Rahayu Universitas Islam Riau


EYD V, literacy movement, narrative paragraph


EYD V Edition was introduced as an effort to update and improve the Indonesian spelling system. However, students' understanding of the use of EYD V Edition is still lacking, so that the effect on students' writing abilities is not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to provide special training to SMA Negeri 2 Dumai students in writing narrative paragraphs using EYD V Edition. This study uses a descriptive method involving SMA Negeri 2 Dumai students as participants. The training in writing narrative paragraphs was focused on using EYD V Edition. The results of this study showed an increase in students' ability to write narrative paragraphs after attending the training. In addition, the school principal and the monitoring team also gave a positive response to this activity. In conclusion, this study shows that training in writing narrative paragraphs using EYD V Edition can help students improve their writing skills. Mastery of good and correct spelling is an important factor in writing success, and the use of EYD V Edition can be an appropriate guide in writing Indonesian. It is hoped that this research can make a significant contribution in optimizing the literacy movement at SMA Negeri 2 Dumai and also provide input for the development of education in Indonesia broadly.


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How to Cite

Piliang, W. S. H., Nofitri, S., Erni, E., & Rahayu, S. (2023). Pelatihan Menulis Paragraf Narasi dengan Menggunakan EYD Edisi V dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMA Negeri 2 Dumai. Sajak: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Sastra, Bahasa, Dan Pendidikan, 2(2), 268–274.


