Pengintegrasian Literasi Humanis dalam Pembelajaran bagi Guru-guru SMPN 2 Dumai Timur
humanist literacy, integration, learning materialsAbstract
The integration of humanist literacy in learning materials is a competency that must be possessed in facing future challenges. This competence involves a person's humanist receptive skills to social symptoms and practices in society. There are many social practices of the community that exist in social life and an in-depth study is needed to fortify the humanist values of students. The fundamental problem that is currently happening is the erosion of the humanist values of students due to the flow of globalization culture. Therefore, teachers need to update the design of digital-based teaching materials in learning. It aims to communicate, collaborate, and reflect on human values to students digitally. That way students can make wise decisions about human values in the learning process. This dedication target is carried out for teachers of SMPN 2 Dumai Timur. The purpose of this service is to provide an update on the design of digital-based teaching materials and the integration of humanist literacy. The solution to this problem is to conduct training for the teachers of SMPN 2 Dumai Timur on the integration of humanist literacy in learning materials. The benefit of this service is that teachers can integrate humanist literacy in learning materials.
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