Dampak Fashion Halal terhadap Industri Tekstil Tradisional di Negara-Negara Mayoritas Muslim


  • Asep Bayu Saepudin Saepudin UIN SIBER SYEKH NURJATI CIREBON


halal certification; textile industry; traditional textiles; market competitiveness; Muslimmajorrity countries


This study investigates the impact of halal regulations and certification on the competitiveness
of the traditional textile industry in Muslim-majority countries. Utilizing a qualitative
descriptive approach, data were collected through literature review, analyzing various relevant
sources from the last decade. The findings reveal that while halal certification enhances
consumer trust and opens new market opportunities, it also presents significant challenges for
traditional textile producers due to increased production and administrative costs. Moreover,
the harmonization of halal standards at the international level remains a critical issue that
affects trade. This research contributes by providing a comprehensive analysis of the effects of
halal regulations on product quality, innovation, production efficiency, and competitiveness.
The study offers practical recommendations for policymakers and industry stakeholders to
improve the competitiveness of traditional textile products in an increasingly competitive global


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