Author Guidlines
Submitted articles must be the original work of the author and have never been published or are in the process of publication in other journals. Manuscripts are written in good and correct Indonesian, using grammar in accordance with the rules of scientific writing. The length of the article, including tables, figures, and bibliography, should range from 5000-7000 words. The writing format uses A4 paper size, 2.54 cm margins on all sides, with Times New Roman font size 12 pt, and space 1. Authors are expected to comply with the writing format set by this journal.
Title and Author Name
- The title of the article should be clear, concise, and reflect the content of the article, with a maximum of 15 words.
- The author's name is written in full without academic degrees and followed by institutional affiliation and email address.
- If there is more than one author, the main author must be marked with a symbol (*).
- Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words.
- The abstract should include the research objectives, methods used, main results, and conclusions.
- The abstract should not contain unexplained references or abbreviations.
- Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases that are relevant to the content of the article.
- Keywords should help in indexing the article.
- The introduction should contain the background of the problem, a review of the relevant literature, and the purpose of the research.
- The introduction should be concise but include all the information needed to understand the context of the study.
- The research method should be clearly explained and detailed so that it can be replicated by other researchers.
- This section should include the research design, population and sample or research subjects, research instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques.
Results and Discussion
- Research results should be presented clearly, using text, tables, or figures.
- The discussion should explain the meaning of the results obtained, linked to the hypothesis or research objectives, and compared with the results of previous studies.
- The conclusion should present a brief summary of the main findings related to the research objectives.
- The conclusion should not repeat the results that have been presented in the previous section, but should provide affirmation or recommendations based on the research results.
- This section is used to express gratitude to those who have provided support in the implementation of the research, both financially, technically, and administratively.
- The bibliography must contain all sources referred to in the article, and is organized according to APA (American Psychological Association) 7Th Edition format.
- The bibliography should be in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author, with full details including author's name, year of publication, article/book title, journal name, volume, article doi, and page.
- Ensure that authors adhere to these guidelines so that the submitted article can be considered for publication.
- The bibliography should match the citations in the body of the manuscript, so that the bodynoot and bibliography match.