Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Sanksi Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Riau


  • Wirna Riyanti universitas islam riau
  • Hendry Andry Universitas Islam Riau


Effectiveness, Disciplinary Sanctions, Civil Servants


This research is to find out and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of discipline sanctions for Civil Servants at the Riau Province Education Office. This research uses a descriptive research type with quantitative methods where primary data is obtained through observation and distribution of questionnaires, and secondary data is obtained through interviews with respondents. The population of this research is Civil Servants of the Riau Province Education Service with a sample of 23 people. The sampling technique in this research uses the Purposive Sampling technique, namely determining samples with certain considerations and assessments that are considered representative and know and understand more about the problem being studied. In this research, Tangkilisan theory is used using four indicators, namely Target Achievement, Adaptation Ability, Job Satisfaction and Responsibility. The results of this research show that the Riau Provincial Education Office has implemented disciplinary sanctions, namely Riau Governor's Regulation Number 59 of 2021 concerning Additional Income for State Civil Service Employees within the Riau Provincial Government. This governor's regulation is quite effective in disciplining employees, especially in terms of work hours and employee attendance, because in the results of field observations there were still many employees who were late coming to the office so they did not attend the morning roll call which was held every working day in the yard of the Riau Provincial Education Office and went home not on time.


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