Pelaksanaan Program Puskesmas Ramah Anak Pada Puskesmas Simpang Tiga Kota Pekanbaru


  • Riska Silpiani universitas islam riau
  • Hendry Andry universitas Islam Riau


Implementation, Child Friendly Community Health Center., Services, Fulfillment of Children's Rights, Program


Children, as the nation's next generation, have a task in national development. The nation's successors must be able to grow and develop into adult humans who are physically, spiritually, educated, moral, and have commendable morals. Children should have their rights as children because children's rights are part of human rights that must be guaranteed, protected, and fulfilled by parents, families, communities, and the government, especially children's rights to health. One of the resolutions for fulfilling children's rights is through child-friendly health centers. Child-friendly health centers are child health-based programs to protect children from physical violence and fulfill children's rights in child-friendly health services. Therefore, this research aims to analyze and explain the implementation of child-friendly health centers at the Simpang Tiga health center in Pekanbaru city. This type of research uses qualitative methods using data collection techniques through observations, interviews, and documentation. This research uses implementation theory, which has four dimensions of assessment. The results of this research show that the implementation of child-friendly health centers is less than optimal, and This is caused by several obstacles.


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