Pengawasan Kosmetik Ilegal Oleh Balai Besar Pengawasan Obat Dan Makanan (BBPOM) Di Pekanbaru


  • Ade Diba Hutabarat Universitas Islam Riau
  • Dia Meirina Suri Universitas Islam Riau


BBPOM, Illegal, Consumer


The Indonesian government or the President formed a body that was given certain tasks in terms of monitoring drugs and food, called the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM). In this research, the method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive survey approach, where this research describes the research object in accordance with existing facts as they occur in the field. In the implementation of supervision carried out by the Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) in Pekanbaru in monitoring illegal cosmetic products, namely pre market and post market. In its implementation, BBPOM makes it easy for the public to find information about cosmetic products that are suitable for consumption, how to obtain permits, standards for producing and marketing cosmetic products, regulations that can be the basis for producing cosmetics which can be accessed on the website and through BPOM MOBILE. In it there is also an annual report where you can see comparisons between each year in the implementation of monitoring illegal cosmetics. And it can be seen in this research that there are inhibiting factors in implementing supervision, which the author can conclude is that there are still many consumers who do not understand how to differentiate illegal cosmetic products from those that are good for consumption, lack of human resources, and sellers of illegal cosmetic products who still violate standards are quietly doing the trading but it is also a factor of consumers who are used to products that provide instant results without thinking about the side effects.


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