Pelaksanaan Koordinasi dalam Penertiban Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Kota Pekanbaru


  • Anita Anita Universitas Islam Riau
  • Nurmasari Nurmasari


Coordination, Poverty, Homeless and Beggars


Poverty, which is an important issue of the government, raises the existence of homeless and beggars. Not only happens in big cities, in small cities there are also still many homeless and beggars like in Pekanbaru City. To overcome this problem, the Pekanbaru City government in coordination with the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit and the Pekanbaru City sosial Office continues to make efforts to minimize the number of homeless on the streets. This study aims to analyze the implementation and obstacles in coordination between civil service police units and sosial services in the control of homeless and beggars in the city of Pekanbaru. The theory used in this study is the coordination theory. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study show that government coordination between civil service police units and sosial services has not been going well. This is because there is still a lack of coordination carried out in the regulation of homeless and beggars due to the lack of communication carried out, it can be seen from the absence of a fixed schedule to discuss the regulation of homeless and beggars, and also due to the lack of public awareness that still violates the rules in daeran regulation Number 12 concerning sosial order which contains a prohibition not to give money to homeless and beggars on the street.


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