Kinerja Koperasi Unit Desa Kebun Sawit Harapan Di Kampung Gabung Makmur Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siak


  • Anto Subekti Universitas islam riau
  • Evi Zubaidah Universitas Islam Riau


Performance, Village Unit Cooperative (KUD)


The aim of this research is to determine the performance and what factors constrain the performance of Village Unit Cooperatives in carrying out a process or in implementing a performance in the village of Kampung Gabung Makmur, Kerinci Kanan sub-district, Siak regency. This Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) performance program is mandatory for each village to be established and built because the aim is to help and make it easier for local communities in the process of borrowing money. In this way, the KUD program makes it easier for loan services to be able to purchase plantations or land. So that this researcher can find out, analyze and describe the performance of the Kebun Sawit Harapan Village Cooperative Unit in Kampung Gabung Makmur, Kerinci Kanan subdistrict, Siak Regency. The key informants for the research consisted of the Head of KUD Kampung Gabung Makmur, and the informants consisted of the Head of Kampung Gabung Makmur Village, the Management of KUD Kampung Gabung Makmur.However, data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews and also documentation. The results of this research show that the Performance of the Kebun Sawit Harapan Village Unit Cooperative in Kampung Gabung Makmur, Kerinci Kanan District, Siak Regency has indicators of Productivity, Service Quality, Responsiveness, Responsility and Accountability which is the Performance of the Village Unit Cooperative ( This KUD).


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