Pelaksanaan Program Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja Berbasis Kompetensi Oleh Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi Provinsi Riau Kota Pekanbaru


  • Aisyah Meilissa Mulyani UNIVERSITAS ISLAM RIAU
  • Hendry Andry


Implementation, Workforce Training


This study aims to determine the objective level of the implementation of competency -based workforce training programs by the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Riau Province in Pekanbaru City in 2022. The indicators of this study are communication, resources, dispositions, bureaucratic structures. This type of research located in the city of Pekanbaru is a descriptive survey, samplig purposive technique is used for the population group of labor training participants. The types and techniques of data collection used in this study consist of, primary data, collected using queetion and interviews as well as secondary data collected using observation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is used by using a frequency table aids. Based on this analysis technique the researcher assessed and concluded that the implementation of competency -based labor training programs by the Pekanbaru City Riau Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office in 2022 was at the "Sufficient Assessment Interval."


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