Koordinasi PT. ADEI PLANTATION AND INDUSTRY MANDAU KOMPLEK Dengan Forum Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Di Kabupaten Bengkalis


  • Ridho Oktaviandi Universitas Islam Riau
  • Herman Herman


Coordination, Forums TJSP, Companies, PT. Adei Plantation and Industry


Coordination is a matter of organizing an organization or activity so that the regulations and actions to be implemented do not conflict with each other or are confused. Bengkalis Regency is an area where there are many companies that implement TJSP. In an effort to support the achievement and acceleration of regional development, in the acceleration and expansion of regional development, the role of the private sector is very necessary because development is currently not only the responsibility of the government but is also the responsibility and duty of all parties, both the business world, the world of work and society. There is a need for coordination between PT. Adei Plantation and Industry and the Bengkalis Regency Corporate Social Responsibility Forum. This research aims to analyze the communication process of PT. Adei Plantation and Industry with the Bengkalis Regency Corporate Social Responsibility Forum in implementing TJSP in Bengkalis Regency. So the research results show that the coordination of PT. Adei Plantation and Industry with the Bengkalis Regency Corporate Social Responsibility Forum has not been running optimally. This is caused by several obstacles, namely the absence of regulations/regulations that require companies to coordinate with the Corporate Social Responsibility Forum, the absence of sitting together between companies and the community in creating TJSP programs and the lack of exposure to TJSP activities carried out by the Social Responsibility Forum. Company.


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