Interferensi Bahasa Indonesia pada Video Vlog Ayu Ting-Ting Berkunjung ke Bebek Carok



interference, word, Youtube


The purpose of this research is to describe the interference of the Indonesian language in Ayu Ting-Ting's video vlog visiting Carok Duck. This study aims to explain the forms of Indonesian interference into Javanese and Betawi languages ​​spoken by Ayu Ting-Ting in this video vlog. To determine interference in this article, the author uses a qualitative descriptive method and sources, namely Ayu Ting-Ting's video vlog. The technique used to generate data is the listening technique. The main data is the story of Ayu Ting-Ting. The theory used in this study is the theory of Abdul Chaer (1995) which states that changes in a language are related to the contact of that language with elements of other languages ​​that occur in bilingual speakers. The conclusion of this study is that interference often occurs due to a lack of mastery of one of the languages ​​or speech sounded with an element of intent.


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How to Cite

Damayanti, R., & Tena, T. (2023). Interferensi Bahasa Indonesia pada Video Vlog Ayu Ting-Ting Berkunjung ke Bebek Carok. J-LELC: Journal of Language Education, Linguistics, and Culture, 3(2), 152–157.