Surfactant-Polymer Slug Optimization, Injection Rate & Pattern Size Determination Using The Cmg Simulator In The Mj Well


  • Gaspar Fonseca Oliveira Mining and Energy Resources Engineering Department, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Gama Luz Sousa Mining and Energy Resources Engineering Department, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Zafran Syahyuda Mining and Energy Resources Engineering Department, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Mario Abel Carvalho Mining and Energy Resources Engineering Department, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.



Surfactant -Polymer, Injection Rate, Slug, Pattern, EOR


The MJ well is one of the oldest in the Central Sumatra field. This field was originally produced in 1952, with a reserve of 4.5 MMSTB. This explains why EOR studies are needed to increase the production of oil.

The MJ well can be injected with surfactant-polymer based on the EOR screening criteria. Surfactant performance mechanisms can minimise IFT and displacement, however, polymers can limit mobility by increasing the viscosity of formation water and sweep efficiency. It is preferable to use reservoir modelling before applying surfactant-polymer to a well. Surfactant-polymer simulation, specifically CMG software, is used in this research. Several simulations were run using sensitivity such as slug SP, injection rate, and pattern size to determine the best approach for use in the MJ well. Surfactant injection was performed after a year of applying a water flood followed by injection of surfactant-polymer with several slug variations, namely 0.2 PV, 0.3 PV, 0.4 PV, 0.5 PV, and 0.6 PV at varied injection rates. 1600 BPD, 2300 BPD, and 3000 BPD, as well as many well-pattern variations, including a 5-spot pattern, a 7-spot pattern, and a 9-spot pattern.

Based on the simulation, optimal results are obtained at a slug of 0.6 PV, an injection rate of 3000 BPD, and a 5-Spot well pattern with a total amount of oil of 2,023,700 bbl and a recovery factor of 81.67%.


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