Economic Evaluation Of Water Production Management With Rpm (Relative Permability Modifier) Treatment Based On Gross Split Contract In “Re” Well In “Dn" Field
RPM (Relative Permeability Modifier) Treatment, Water Coning, Gross splitAbstract
The "RE" well in the "DN" field is an oil well produced in June 2004 with an initial water cut value of 15% as time went on there was a fairly high increase in the water cut value reaching 97% which means that it caused increased water production. and oil production decreased from 387 BOPD to 11 BOPD.
Appropriate handling in overcoming excessive water production, one of which is by using a method that can selectively restrain water production without restraining hydrocarbon production with RPM (Relative Permeability Modifier) Treatment. RPM (Relative Permeability Modifier) is a type of polymer with a high molecular weight as the main molecule of RPM. RPM can be done without isolating the layer zone so that it can be injected bullhead into all layer zones to reduce water permeability.
This final project research has been seen from increasing the rate of oil production and decreasing the water cut. The selected well is the "RE" well in the "DN" field which has an increasing water cut value and decreased oil production. Then calculate the economy using the gross split method to calculate the feasibility level of the RPM (Relative Permeability Modifier) Treatment project.
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