Analysis The Effect Of Column Height Variation On The Perfomance Of Increased Building Structure
column, earthquake, shear force, floor drift, bucklingAbstract
The consequences of these earthquake waves cause damage to buildings ranging from light damage to heavy damage. Dealing with the case, it is necessary to plan and implement earthquake-resistant building structures, especially in high-rise buildings. Another factor that needs to be considered is the function of the room which affects the column height when the column height is different and it causes uneven stiffness from the ground floor to the top.
The aim of this study was to find out the effect of variations in column height on the performance of multi-storey building structures in terms of shear forces, floor drift and buckling load (Pc). The method used in this study was the response spectrum method. The spectrum response is the maximum response of a Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) structural system, both acceleration, velocity and displacement due to the structure being loaded by a certain external force. Before carrying out the analysis using the response spectrum method, a structural model was undertaken by varying the column height on the 1st floor into 3 variations.
Dealing with the results of the analysis on the building structure model with varying column height on the 1st floor, it indicated that the higher the column the maximum base shear force value increases. The higher the 1st floor column, the maximum floor deviation value increases. The higher the column the value of the column slenderness ratio increases and the Euler buckling load decreases.
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