Exploring The Mechanism Of Vetiver System For Slope Reinforcement On Diverse Soil Types – A Review


  • Yenni Ciawi Civil Engineering Department, Udayana University, Bali 80361, Indonesia
  • Anissa Maria Hidayati Civil Engineering Department, Udayana University, Bali 80361, Indonesia
  • Kadek Hindhu Kedaton Civil Engineering Department, Udayana University, Bali 80361, Indonesia
  • Silvia Gabrina Tonyes Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences Udayana University
  • Elizar Civil Engineering Department, Riau Islamic University, Pekan Baru 28284, Indonesia




Disaster mitigation, Landslide, Bio-Engineering, Vetiver


Landslide, one of the important geomorphological processes, is essentially a natural phenomenon that is often exacerbated by human-induced activities. A stable sloping terrain will tend to collapse when it is subjected to forces that tend to destabilise it. Slope instability is one of the main factors leading to disasters that might be catastrophic to the environment and human life. Since the beginning of the year 2000 only, thousands of fatalities annually occurred globally due to landslides. With its predominantly sloping topography, the landslide is also a frequent natural disaster in Indonesia. BNPB data stated that between 2013 and 2022, there were 7,297 recorded cases of landslides in the country with more than 100 casualties on one occasion. To mitigate the impact of this disaster, measures such as reinforcing slopes or implementing retaining walls in vulnerable areas are urgently required. In recent decades, bio-engineering techniques gain more attention in slope reinforcement by combining the mechanical and hydrological abilities of vegetation in erosion control and slope stabilisation. Vetiver grass is one of the vegetation species used in bioengineering techniques due to its low cost and more sustainable solutions in many infrastructure projects. In this paper, a qualitative literature review is conducted and processed using descriptive-analytical methods to address the mitigation of landslides and their potential domino effects on the economy and people's welfare.


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