Study of Boalemo Red Limestone for Geotourism Development based on Lithological, Geochemical Analysis and Geological Heritage Assessment


  • Nana Juhriana Yusuf Department Geological Engineering, Gorontalo University, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
  • Yayu Indriati Arifin Department Geological Engineering, Gorontalo University, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
  • Ronal Hutagalung Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Intan Noviantari Manyoe Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



Geotorism, Geological Features, Scientific Value Assessment, Education Value, Tourism Value, Risk of Degradation


Indonesia has very diverse and unique rocks that have the potential to become a geological heritage. Based on the existing potential, an integrated management system is needed so that it can be utilized for the welfare of the community, one of which is a geopark. Gorontalo has a rock distribution consisting of several formations, one of which is the Tinombo Formation which is the oldest formation.  In this formation there is red limestone which has great potential due to its rarity so that it can be developed into a site in the development of a geopark in Gorontalo. The purpose of this research is to conduct a geosite assessment of geological features in Boalemo Regency as a basis for developing geotourism in Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo. The research site is located in Dimito Village, Wonosari Subdistrict and Lahumbo Village, Tilamuta Subdistrict, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The methods used in this research are lithological analysis, Geochemical analysis and geosite potential analysis using the technical guidelines for geological heritage resource assessment by the Geological Survey Center. The results showed that the red color-controlling minerals in limestone are hematite and rodoxite, the red color-controlling chemical elements in limestone are SiO2, MnO, Fe2O3, Sr and CaO. The results of the assessment of geological features explain that the Wonosari Red Limestone Site and the Tilamuta Red Limestone Site are included in the medium category. Geosite Red Limestone can be developed as an object of study in the field of education by utilizing natural laboratories for the development of geoparks in Gorontalo.


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