Study of Hydrodynamic Patterns of Tanjung Pasir Banten Waters to Support the NCICD Sea Wall Development Plan
Sea Wall, Numerical Modelling, Tidal Condition, Current ConditionAbstract
Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics (HD) around the Tanjung Pasir Waters was carried out using MIKE 21 HD Flexible Mesh software to get the current velocity pattern conditions during the west and east monsoons. This activity is to support the NCICD sea wall construction plan. In addition, the results that will be obtained in this modeling are the conditions of the speed and direction of the current in various tidal conditions during spring and neap. The data used in this modeling include wind speed and direction, wave height, wave period, and wave direction. Based on the research that has been done, the validation value of Naotide tidal data on tidal field data is 93.8 %. HD MIKE 21 modeling results on field data have a validation value of 93.4 %. Extract points 4 and 5 which are the northernmost, have the highest current velocity values compared to the other points. In addition, when heading to the high tide phase, both spring and neap conditions, the current velocity value has the highest value.
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