The Investigation of Silica Nanoparticles-CO2 Foam Stability for Enhancing Oil Recovery Purpose

David Maurich (1)
(1) Institut Teknologi & Sains Bandung (ITSB), Indonesia


Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas injection is one of the most successful Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. But the main problem that occurs in immiscible CO2 injection is the poor volumetric sweep efficiency which causes large quantities of the oil to be retained in pore spaces of reservoir. Although this problem can be improved through the injection of surfactant with CO2 gas where the surfactant will stabilize CO2 foam, this method still has some weaknesses due to foam size issue, surfactants compatibility problems with rocks and reservoir fluids and are less effective at high brine salinity and reservoir temperature such as typical oil reservoirs in Indonesia. This research aims to examine the stability of the foams/emulsions, compatibility and phase behavior of suspensions generated by hydrophobic silica nanoparticles on various salinity of formation water as well as to determine its effect on the mobility ratio parameter, which correlate indirectly with macroscopic sweep efficiency and oil recovery factor. This research utilizes density, static foam, and viscosity test which was carried out on various concentrations of silica nanoparticles, brine salinity and phase volume ratio to obtain a stable foam/emulsion design. The results showed that silica nanoparticles can increase the viscosity of displacing fluid by generating emulsions or foams so that it can reduce the mobility ratio toward favorable mobility, while the level of stability of the emulsion or foam of the silica nanoparticles suspension is strongly influenced by concentration, salinity and phase volume ratio. The high resistance factor of the emulsions/foams generated by silica nanoparticles will promote better potential of these particles in producing more oil.

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David Maurich
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

David Maurich, Institut Teknologi & Sains Bandung (ITSB)

Educational Background:

(1997) : Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Petroleum Engineering, Under Graduate Program
(2007) : Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Petroleum Engineering, Master Degree Program
(2015) : New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT), Pet. Eng., Ph.D Degree Program (On Going)

Work Experiences:

2019-2020: Expert Staff, EOR Division, LEMIGAS, Jakarta.

2015-2017 : Research Assistant, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology (NMT), USA.
2014-2015 : IOR Consultant, RAY International Oil and Gas LLC, Kuwait & Oman.
2012-Present : Lecturer, Petroleum Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi & Sains Bandung, ITSB.
2006-2011 : EOR Specialist at PT. Ganesa Patra Sejahterah (GPS).
2004-2011 : EOR Researcher at OGRINDO PE (Oil & Gas Recovery Research for Indonesia), ITB.


1. Invent & Develop “Organic Fuelâ€, a New Renewable Alternative Energy Resource, 2002.
2. Design & Develop Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer (ASP) Long Coreflood Apparatus, 2006.
3. Design & Develop Modified Spontaneous Imbibition Cell, 2007.
4. Invent a New Method for Hydrocarbon Extraction from Asphalt deposit Using Specified Catalyst, 2008.
5. Design & Develop Apparatus for Detecting Surfactant Compound in Produced Water, 2009.


1. KM-ITB Scholarship, 1998.
2. Master Degree Scholarship from OGRINDO ITB Research Group, PE-ITB, 2006.
3. PhD-Research Assistantship, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT), 2015.

Research Interests:

1. Improved Oil Recovery (IOR)

2. Nanotechnology in Oil & Gas Industry

3. Production Optimization Techniques

4. Water Shutoff

5. Shale Gas Reservoir



Maurich, D. (2020). The Investigation of Silica Nanoparticles-CO2 Foam Stability for Enhancing Oil Recovery Purpose. Journal of Earth Energy Engineering, 9(1), 36–45.

Article Details

Received 2020-02-10
Accepted 2020-04-27
Published 2020-04-28

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