The Development of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas in Indonesia Case Study on Hydrocarbon Shale

Wiwiek Jumiati (1), David Maurich (2), Andi Setyo Wibowo (3), Indra Nurdiana (4)
(1) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung (ITSB), Indonesia, Indonesia,
(2) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung (ITSB), Indonesia, Indonesia,
(3) Centre for Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia , Indonesia,
(4) Centre for Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia , Indonesia


Oil and gas fuel from unconventional types of reservoirs was the development of alternative sources in addition to oil and gas fuels from conventional type reservoirs that can be obtained to meet domestic needs. The development of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs has developed rapidly outside Indonesia, such as in North America and Canada. One type of unconventional oil and gas reservoir was obtained from shale rock reservoirs. Hydrocarbon shale produced from shale formations, both source from rock and reservoir. This unconventional hydrocarbon has a big potential to be utilized. In this study, an analysis of the development of unconventional oil and gas from Shale Hydrocarbons carried out in Indonesia. This research included the distribution of shale reservoir basins, the number of unconventional shale reservoir resources, factors affecting the development of unconventional oil and gas in shale reservoirs in Indonesia, efforts made by the government to promote exploration activities, exploitation of shale reservoirs in Indonesia, and existing regulations for non-conventional oil and gas. The development of unconventional oil and gas reservoir shale needed to be developed immediately and will attract investors to meet domestic needs for renewable energy needs. From the geological data obtained, there were 6 basins and 11 formations that analyzed for commercialization. Tanjung and Batu Kelau Formation was a prospect formation from 4 desired data categories. In terms of regulation, it still needed improvement to increase the interest of upstream oil and gas entrepreneurs in the unconventional oil and gas shale reservoir. Research in the field of unconventional oil and gas exploitation technology for hydrocarbon shale needed to be improved.                  

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Wiwiek Jumiati
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
David Maurich
Andi Setyo Wibowo
Indra Nurdiana
Jumiati, W. ., Maurich, D., Wibowo, A. ., & Nurdiana, I. (2020). The Development of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas in Indonesia: Case Study on Hydrocarbon Shale. Journal of Earth Energy Engineering, 9(1), 11–16.

Article Details

Received 2019-11-13
Accepted 2020-02-02
Published 2020-04-19