Implementasi Metode National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Pada Fitur TRIM SOLID STATE DRIVE (SSD) Dengan Objek Eksperimental Sistem Operasi Windows, Linux dan Macintosh


  • Rizdqi Akbar Ramadhan Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Islam Riau
  • Desti Mualfah Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Muhamadiyah Riau



Solid State Drive, Digital Forensik, Investigation, Recovery Files, Operating System


Solid State Drive (SSD) is the latest solution to speed up data processing from various multiplatform desktop computers. The TRIM features on SSDs has contribute for eliminating garbage data which is permanently deleted by users, where this method has the benefit of extending the service life of SSD devices. Contradiction of implement this method is obstacle potential for forensic investigators to recover deleted data in term of cyber crime in the case of evidence in the form of computers with SSD storage. The experimental object in this study is based on the perspective of mainstream operating systems, namely Windows, Linux and Macintosh installed on the SSD where each operating system simulates the deletion of stored data with a comparison of TRIM enable and TRIM disabled configurations. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Digital Forensic method implemented in this case, because this method serves as a reference in the practice of Digital Forensics in this study. The SLEUTH KIT Autopsy software is a Digital Forensic tool being used in the perspective of investigators in the acquisition and analysis of SSD evidence in the case simulation of this study. Novelti obtained from the research content is that the operating system which is the object of experimentation is the latest release of Windows, Linux and Macintosh operating systems which certainly has great potential in terms of exploration, especially Digital Forensics. Windows has the greatest chance of recovery results among the other 2 operating systems in this study.


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How to Cite

Ramadhan, R. A., & Mualfah, D. (2020). Implementasi Metode National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Pada Fitur TRIM SOLID STATE DRIVE (SSD) Dengan Objek Eksperimental Sistem Operasi Windows, Linux dan Macintosh . IT Journal Research and Development, 5(2), 183–192.


