Author Guidelines

 Kind and Content of Articles

Al-Ihsan: Jurnal Pengabdian Agama Islam 

Article Criteria

Title: Judul Informatif, Tidak Lebih dari 15 Kata, Font Book Antique 14pt; Bold; Center; 1 Spasi (Artikel Menyertakan Judul Berbahasa Inggris)
Author's Name: Complete with the name and address of the institution of work, e-mail address for correspondence.
Abstract: The abstract is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. It allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases. The abstract contains the main problem and/or research objectives, shows the approach or method used to solve it, and presents essential findings, conclusions, and implications of research results. In addition, the abstract summarizes the reasons for the research being undertaken, the approach or method is chosen, the key developments, and the key conclusions. Abstracts are presented in a paragraph containing 100-200 words. (Book Antiqua 12 pt, spasi 1)
Keywords: Book Antiqua 10pt; 3 to 5 Words; Alphabetical Order; 1st Word’s Initial Should be Capital.
Introduction: This section contains research problems and is presented explicitly supported by relevant data and facts. The preliminary load consists of a general description of the problem (variable) under study, showing data related to the problem (variable) studied, a description of the possible causes of the problem, a description of the negative effect if the condition remains unchecked, and a description of the general limitation of what was studied.
Research Methods: Explain how the research procedures carried out include the research design, population/sample or informant, instruments, and data analysis techniques.
Results and Discussion: The results contain data analysis which is accompanied by illustrations such as pictures, photographs, tables, and graphs. While the discussion includes interpretations of research results that are linked to theoretical concepts, relevant research results, and theoretical and practical implications. In the discussion, critical analysis and synthesis sharpness are needed.
Closing: Written in essay form, contains the essence of the combination of results with discussion and not just a summary.
Reference: Priority references are sourced from primary literature such as accredited National and International journals, research results, dissertations, theses, and theses. Reference updates last 10 years, sorted alphabetically and chronologically.


Articles submitted using transliteration as follows:
For words that have madd (length), use the formulation below:

 Ø§  = a

Ø® = kh

Ø´ = sy

غ = gh

Ù† = n

ب = b

د = d

ص = sh

ف = f

Ùˆ = w

ت = t

Ø° = dz

ض = dh

Ù‚ = q

Ù‡ = h

Ø« = ts

ر = r

Ø· = th

Ùƒ = k

ء = ’

ج = j

ز = z

ظ = zh

Ù„ = l

 ÙŠ = ya

Ø­ = h

س = s

ع = ‘

  Ù… = m


â = a long, like, al-islâmiyah
î = i long, like, al-ʻaqîdah wa al-syarî`ah
û = u long, like al-dustûr

Guidelines for Citing in Articles

Quotations used in articles using Body Note can be direct or indirect. The citation model uses the following format:
* Religious maturity can be identified as maturity in the faith because the essence of religion is faith (Ulfa, 2005: 25).
* According to Al-Attas (1990: 64) Ta'dib is the right term to indicate Islamic education because the proposition of the concept of education and the educational process has been covered.

Guidelines for Writing Reference Lists

Writing a reference list in the al-Ihsan Jurnal Pengabdian Agama Islam uses the MLA (Modern Language Association) pattern. Example:

The Holy Qur'an
Departemen Agama RI. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahannya. Bandung: Darus Sunnah, 2015.

Al-Abrasyi, M. ‘Athiyah. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Pendidikan Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2003.

Al-Rasydin, dan Ja’far. Filsafat Ilmu dalam Tradisi Islam. Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2015.

Harahap, Musaddad. "Refleksi Dinamika Kebebasan Akademis dalam Pendidikan Islam." Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Al-Thariqah 1.1 (2017): 87-103.

Harahap, Musaddad, dan Lina Mayasari Siregar. "Rekontekstualisasi Sejarah: Kontribusi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam terhadap Dakwah Rasulullah SAW." Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) 5.2 (2017): 288-308.

Ahmad, Muhammad Yusuf. Model Kepemimpinan Kepala MTs. dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Kota Pekanbaru. Disertasi, UIN Suska Riau, 2018.

Please check here the Indonesian language author guidelines.