
  • Fitria A
  • Lilis Suriani


Implementation, Program, Training, Employee Development


Employee training and development programs implemented in order to reduce or
eliminate the gap between the ability of employees to the desired organization, that is by
increasing knowledge and skills and change attitudes. But" How Implementation of
Employee Training and Development in Hotel Front Office FurayaPekanbaru ?" From
this study the authors hope to be an alternative as well as considerations in employee
training and development programs . The purpose of this study is to identify and
analyze the implementation of employee training and development programs
particularly Front Office employee at Hotel FurayaPekanbaru. To determine the factors
that affect the implementation of employee training and development programs in Hotel
Front Office FurayaPekanbaru. The number of samples in the Front Office employees
as many as 17 samples . In sampling the authors use the census the total population of
the sampled population is small and because the amount of easily accessible by
researchers, the primary data is a source of data that was obtained directly from
respondents through interviews, questionnaires (questionnaires) and observations, such
as the identity of respondents and respondents about how the Implementation of
Employee Training and Development in Hotel Front Office FurayaPekanbaru, while
secondary data is a source of data and information as well as information from the
parties relating to this study. To obtain the data and information that is more valid, data
collection techniques used were questionnaires, observation, and interviews. This
research survey form explanation is research that takes a sample of the population and
the use of questionnaires as the main data collection tool, so that the data is expected to
answer the research desired. From these results it can be concluded that the Program
Implementation Training and Employee Development Front Office at Hotel
PekanbaruFuraya works quite well. However it is suggested to be increased in the
future in order for the company nor the employee in order to carry out the training and
development of more effective.


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