About the Journal

Online ISSN 2528-4568 Print ISSN 2528-455X. Another Side of Reality is journal from departement of Criminology faculty of social and politic islamic university of Riau. Criminology is devoted to the study of crime and deviant behavior. Interdisciplinary in scope, the journal publishes articles that advance the theoretical and research agenda of criminology.

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
Published: 2024-06-11


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SISI LAIN REALITA is a valuable resource for academics and researchers in crime, whether they be from criminology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, law, economics, politics or social work, and for professionals concerned with crime, law, criminal justice, politics, and penology.

The study criminology have some paradigm. First, Classical Criminology, Modern Criminology, Feminist Criminology and Post Modern Criminology. The Journal welcomes submissions from a variety of perspectives focusing on crime and society; and especially articles written from sociological, historical, philosophical, youth justice, feminist criminology, violence and victims, human trafficking, human right, news macking criminology, visual criminology, everyday life crime, cybercrime, transnational crime, geographical, environmental crime, economical crime, psychological, jurisprudential, cultural, political, or policy standpoints.

Whilst the journal endeavours to be as inclusive as possible in terms of its content, its aim is also to publish the best work currently ongoing within the discipline. The two main criteria according to which articles submitted for publication will be assessed are: the degree to which the article contributes new knowledge to an understanding of crime and society; the overall quality of the argument and its presentation.

Address of Secretariat

Department of Criminology
Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No 113 Perhentian Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Riau 28284
E-mail : [email protected], web : http://journal.uir.ac.id/index.php/sisilainrealita