
General Guidlines

  1. The manuscript is a summary of research results or research grants dikti.
  2. The manuscript is written in Indonesian with the letter Time New Roman font 11. The length of the script is about 10 pages and typed 1 space.
  3. A script containing phonetic or other symbols, please include the article in pdf format.
  4. The page settings are 2 columns with equal to coloumn and spacing between 5 mm columns, whereas Title, Author Identity, and Abstract are written in 1 column.
  5. Paper size is A4 with edge margin width (margin) is upper 2cm, bottom 2cm, left 3cm, and right is 3cm.

Rules Writing

  1. Section: title, author name, abstract (English and Indonesian).
  2. Particular: preliminary, research methodology, results and discussion, conclusions.
  3. Final: contains a list of references (recent references)

Title and Author Name

  1. Titles are capitalized, bolded with Times New Romanfont 11 fonts, single space with a maximum number of words 15.
  2. The author's name is written under the title without title, should not be abbreviated, beginning with the capital letter, without beginning with the word "by", the author's order is the first author followed by the second, third and so on. c. The names of agencies / colleges and email addresses of all authors are written under the author's name with the letters Times New Roman Font 11.


  1. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English, containing the core issues / background research, problem, problem formulation, theory used, purpose writing, writing benefits, research methodology, and research results. The word abstract is in bold.
  2. The number of words in the abstract is no more than 250 words and typed 1 space.
  3. The type of abstract is The New Roman Font 11, presented with the left and right flat, is presented in one paragraph, and is written indented at the beginning of the sentence.
  4. Abstract is equipped with Keywords consisting of 3-5 words which become the core of abstraction description. Keywords word in bold (bold).

General Rules of Writing Numbers

  1. Each subtitle is written in Times New RomanFont 11 and is in bold.
  2. New paragraphs are written indented with an indent-first line of 0.75 cm, inter-paragraph not spaced, and the first paragraph is not written indented inside.
  3. The foreign word is in italics.
  4. All numbers are written with numbers, except at the beginning of a sentence and less than ten integers must be spelled.
  5. Tables and pictures should be given clear descriptions, and given the sequence number and typed one column.

Management References

Sajak: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Sastra, Bahasa, dan Pendidikan have reference template available in many of the most popular reference management software products. These include all products that support Citation Style Language, such as Mendeley. Using the word processor plug-ins from these products, authors only need to select the appropriate journal template when preparing their article, after which citations and bibliographies will be automatically formatted in the journal's style. If no template is yet available for this journal, please follow the format of the sample references and citations as shown in this guide. Writing libraries using Harvard Referencing Standard system. Everything listed in the bibliography should be referred to in the manuscript. Reference updates take precedence.

[1] Author 1, Author 2 ff. (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. The title of the book is italics. Place Publisher: Publisher / Publication.

Alwi, Hasan dkk. 2003. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Junaiyah, Arifin dan Abdul Mazid. 2017. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: Gramedia Utama.

Journal Articles
[2] Author 1, Author 2 and so on, (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. Article Title (Italics) .Name Journal; No; Vol; ISSN; Page.

Suhardi. 1984. Transformasi Nominalisasi Bentuk Verbal Bahasa Indonesia dalam Pengajaran Bahasa. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidlkan; No. 12. Volume: III 1984; ISSN: 0854-9613; Page: 188-201.
Zainuddin. 2016. Sistem Nominalisasi Bahasa Gayo: Kajian Struktur dan Semantik. Jurnal Linguistika; Volume. 23. No. 45;ISSN: 0854-9613; Page: 110-120.

Proceedings of Seminar/Conference
[3] Author 1, Author 2 dst, (Last name, first name abbreviated). Year of publication. Article Title.Name Conference. Date, Month and Year, City, Country. Page.

Michael, R. 2011. Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Wirt-schafts Informatik. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Swis. Hal. 776-786.

Thesis or Dissertation
[4] Author (Last name, first name). Year of publication. Title. Thesis, Thesis, or Dissertation.University.

Soegandhi. 2009. Aplikasi model kebangkrutan pada Perusahaan Daerah di Jawa Timur. Tesis. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Joyonegoro, Surabaya.