A Video-Mediated EFL Learning: Highlighting Indonesian Students’ Voices



  • Sitti Hadijah Universitas Islam Riau
  • Shalawati Shalawati Universitas Islam Riau


Video, EFL, Indonesian Students' Voices


The emergence of videos as instructional media in the EFL learning contexts has provided meaningful values to learners’ learning experiences. There have been many studies investigated the effectiveness of the videos in EFL field. However, this study presents a gap in the literature regarding the acceptance of videos usages of Indonesian senior high school students who learn English as a foreign language. This study employed quantitative survey research by distributing a closed questionnaire to one hundred fifteen students from the tenth grade of a state senior high school. Overall, participants showed positive voices towards using videos to support their learning in terms of ease of use, learning opportunities, learning experience, and preferences. With regard to the actual use of videos in learning, most students spent at least 1-2 hours watching videos in and outside the classrooms. The availability of smartphones contributes significantly to ease video access. Moreover, social media networking, such as Youtube, Instagram, and WhatsApp, provides more video sources for the student. Amongst the video types enjoyed by the students, videos of interviews, tutorials, explanations, vlogs, profiles, and testimonials were their preferences.


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How to Cite

Hadijah, S., & Shalawati, S. (2021). A Video-Mediated EFL Learning: Highlighting Indonesian Students’ Voices. J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic, 8(2), 179–193. https://doi.org/10.25299/jshmic.2021.vol8(2).7329