Developing Narrative Text-Based Module for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Focus on Practicality

Developing Narrative Text-based Modul for Teaching Reading Comprehension



Narrative Text, Module, Teaching Reading


This paper shows the function of a narrative text-based module to develop students reading skills. The research design is R & D (Research and Development), focusing on students' practicality. The researcher tried to find out the analysis and the practicality of the module in designing and implementing reading in a narrative text based-module. The sample was selected from second-semester students at the English Department of FKIP UIR. The students were given a test to be answered to find out the practicality, which consisted of pre-test and post-test. The module provides exercises that encourage the students to develop their reading comprehension. This module combines summary and references in every unit of the module. This module provides a formative test with an answer key at the end of each chapter.


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How to Cite

Novitri, S. (2021). Developing Narrative Text-Based Module for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Focus on Practicality : Developing Narrative Text-based Modul for Teaching Reading Comprehension. J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic, 8(2), 132–139.